September 29, 2011

Blogger Award

Heii guys...  Today I'm gonna post about an award from my beauty blogger friend, Severus Love (Merry).. It's been a while lol... sorry >.<...Visit her blog here...

And this is the award she gave me..

The Rules:
Worship at the feet (or makeup vanity) 
of the person who nominated you and link back to her (or his) blog in your post. 

Share 7 facts about yourself.

Pass the award on to 15 other bloggers.

Contact your nominees and let them know you've tagged them.

Thanks a lot to Severus Love.. She is a cute and super creative girl.. if you visit her blog, you'll find she post unique tutorials by her own version. She likes to make something complicated become easier to do.. ;) I love her style.. besides I believe everybody loves to be simple.. and so do I.

Here's 7 fact about myself...

1.Loves Delicious Food!
I couldn't resist DELICIOUS FOOD!! I and my friend, Christy,  always love culinary !! Western, asian, and everything!!.. We sure eat a lot.. Hahaha.. besides I love cooking too, that's why I love to eat. :)

I had a really bad experience with this tiny little things when I was a kid, and it makes me afraid of cockroach until now.. I could scream as loud as I can when I met them.. They're really scary especially because they could FLY... 

Believe it or not, it's quite a lot when I forget something, my paper, my card, my assignments, my drafts, and many more. Sometimes I left many things at my class too.. but I'm glad I have such a wonderful friends that always remind me to check all my belongings ... it has gotten better now.. hahaha...

I do really really love PUCCA.. For me, she looks cute and funny. I'd been interested with Pucca since elementary til now.. ^.^ I have tons of Pucca dolls on my bed, and lots of Pucca in my drawer. My biggest found is my Pucca Bedcover.. I can't sleep with it.. ^________^ I wish I could go to Korea someday to visit Pucca store..

5.Ice Cream Lover..
No matter what time is it, no matter what season it is... I always love ice cream.. And so do Christy.. once again we're such a great partner in eating lol! When it's hot, we buy ice cream at uni, and pleased ourselves.. And I loveee almost all ice cream variants... from the classic one such as vanilla, strawberry until maccha, durians, kopyor,green bean and fermented black rice...Love them all...My dad said,"As long it's ice cream, you won't complain at all." That's because wherever we go together, I always ask for some ice cream since I was a kid!! Mwahahha I guess he's a little bit to honest.. :P

6.Straight- long-black hair
It's been my trade-mark since I was a kid. For those who know me for years might have known that I never has a short haircut except when I was toddler. It is easy to recognize me by my straight-long-black hair, that's what my best friend ever said to me. Because from years to years, my friends are getting new haircut, I'm stick on this haircut. Well I got some layering haircut lately, but it's still a long one, a black one, and a straight one. When I request for curling my hair, my mom refuse. When I request for hair, my mom hardly. When someone request for short haircut, I said ,"Never...".. one of my friends even said she would hold a celebration if I got my first short haircut.. lol...

Since I was a kid, I love crafts. Making scrapbooks, making cards for birthdays, christmas , etc.. It's been a long time since I realize that's why I love crafting til now... I love knitting, I love drawing, and many more.. I adore all handmade's product a lot.. :) I wonder if one day I could get my own line...

It supposed to be a short post but it turns out long lol... hope you don't mind.. 

I give this award to 
:) Do I break the rules? Because some of them aren't my follower but I do love their blog ^^.. And keep it straight on 10 then... (this time I break the rules for sure >.<...)

I'm excited facing this weekend, though my mid-test term is coming and huge of tasks are waiting, because I'm going to have another great day with my best friends :) 

See you soon... (>ω<*)


  1. Chino-chan... thanks for the award.... :* sorry yaa baru smpt bales >.<

  2. yeap... hehe thanks for the wishes^^

  3. priscilla clara siregarJanuary 31, 2012 at 5:03 PM

    Wuah! Thank you so much dear.. ^^ It's been a while since I received my last award, hehe.. What a cute post, love it.. :D

  4. eh me??really???kyaa~ thank u dear :*

  5. hahaha...setujuuu sama fact no 2!!!!
    yaikkzz...aku bencii mereka, apa lagi yg terbang..T____T

  6. aww thank you for the award! Good luck with your mid terms~ :)

  7. hey thanks for leaving me such a lovely award ! <3

    Journal J


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