November 17, 2011


Hello everyone! Well last week I and my friends did a photoshoot for my uni assignment. Since the product is a bag and my group consist of many girls, so we decided to be the model ourselves.. LOL.. I take the photographs of my friend and I'm quite satisfied with the results since I never took any model's photograph anymore.The photo will be used in my catalog design.

There's four main types of the bag. Formal bag for party or special occasion, casual bag for daily use, teenagers bag for younger customer, and a picnic bag which is really big.

Here's some photo that we take. :) Love the results..

 I got the part for the teens bag. Just natural make up :)

Looks so fat in this photo >_<

soo detailed embroidery o_O

messy hair already lol it's really hot!
I enjoyed the photoshoot so much. And if you look at the photo carefully, you should realize that the environment is really good too. It's perfect for outdoor photoshoot. It takes place at Rumah Sulam Rachmy workshop in Meruya. The workshop actually is the owner's house. It's really nice with a beautiful garden and big backyard where we can sit and talk. The owner is really nice and humble to us. She helped us a lot in our progress.

I guess that's all for today.. x3 Hope you enjoy my post... see you in my next post ! (>ω<*)


  1. omg gabby my photo's..... >.<

  2. thanks.. yeahh.. the bag is lovely and so expensive >.<

  3. thanks.... yes it's high quality with handmade embroidery.. unfortunately it's not mine haha.. I only borrowed it for the photoshoot.. ><

  4. you're so cuutee.. i love your bag too!!!

  5. never mind since we're all looks beautiful there hahaha.. #pede

  6. omg gabby my photos're there.. #shy

  7. >.< hahaha my friends told me the same too but I'm not that young really.. well I guess it's because the angle isn't right too .. and btw thanks for the advice!:)

  8. I was wondering how old are you suddenly hahahaha
    And in fact youre not fat la, probably just the dress? Wear belt to get your waist line will help so much! Love it!

  9. the bags look lovely!! :D and you girls look adorable :)
    lol I think I look fatter than you xD you're not fat dear

  10. Beauty Works Discount code

    well very intersting blog post and easy to read me also intersting to take photoshop


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