March 17, 2012

Play with Make Up!

Okay actually I'm kinda confused with the title. I'm bored with those assignments and I ended up playing with my make-up. xD

I'm trying to achieve a look that suit me with a pink lip color .;) I'm wearing Revlon Lip Butter in Cupcake (gonna review later!) which actually a good shade but looks kinda pale on me if I wear it alone. In fact I didn't plan to post this look since it's just a lame experiment of mine. I even didn't put on any eyeshadow.But I still ended up camwhoring. please bear with it.


What I used
The Skinfood Aloe BB Cream #1
The Skinfood Buckwheat Loose Powder #21
ELF Studio Blush and Countouring Powder
AC Make Up Blush
Dolly Wink Liquid Eyeliner 
Inez Eyeliner in White
Revlon Lip Butter in Cupcake

What do you think??? Does the pink lip color suit me?

I hope you enjoy it. :) Happy week end to all of you!! I should go back with my dear assignments >,<


  1. cocok saii ^^
    btw utk eyelash nya pake falshie ato pake mascara apa?

  2. wah, warnanya cupcake actually quite good yah

  3. ^.^ sebenernya tergantung warna bibir masing2 juga kalo pake lip butter ini, cuma kalo aku pake polosan aja rasanya masih agak pucet di aku hehehe jadi harus diakalin deh :)

  4. Thanks ^^.. pake falsies itu hehehe..

  5. simple and your make up ^^

  6. Cakep gabzz,
    kalo pipi nya nambah dikit lagi blush nya tambah seger deh :)

  7. Makasih...IRL udah medok itu blushnya.. cuman kurang tampak aja yah di kamera xD..

  8. Hehehe, iya kalo di foto emang suka ga keliatan yah.

  9. cantiknya^^ so cute

  10. thanks x) km juga selalu keliatan cantik^^


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