May 29, 2012

Review and Swatch : Sleek - Oh So Special Palette

I owned this for quite a long time. Immediately fall in love in the first sight LOL. It has many wearable color such as brown, soft pink, and also bold color such as deep purple, black, and many more! That's why I decide to buy this!
This is the outer packaging, well I do like the older packaging than the new one.

Quite handy palette but not really travel friendly. Sleek design packaging with deep black and glossy finish for the words 'Sleek'.

There's a big mirror inside the palette, 12 beautiful colors, and also a dual side applicator. I love those square texture! Pretty and unique.But unfortunately, lately Sleek has not produced palettes with those beautiful square texture anymore. They're coming in flat surfaces and it's kinda disappointing for me.

Beautiful color, isn't it? ;)

 They also provide an eyeshadow applicator with long handle.

 Let's swatch it then.

Unfortunately there are several color that aren't showing up without primer. However, the rest is really satisfying! The matte and glittery color just meet my expectation. Not too chalky and neither too glittering. I just love it.I didn't regret end up buying this one. Probably should buy another series. I'm quite interested with Original Series. They have more playful color to experiment with.

The price is vary around US$ 15. I think it's a quite good bargain because you could get a palette with 12 beautiful colors in exchange. Sleek also has a wide color range for their palette. You can choose which one that suitable for you. Each palette has a unique color combination that can be used even for daily or your special ocassion.

Wide color range
Quite pigmented

Not travel friendly

Rating 4.3 / 5

For those who are new to make up, I recommend you to grab this. :) There's plenty of eye make up that you can try with this pallete.


  1. palette super populer nih <3
    Aku ngidam bad girl udah lamaa banget, tapi akhirnya jadi bimbang gara2 si sleek muka rata. Jadi takut kalo mau po sekarang bakal dapet yang muka rata :(

  2. Thanks for the swatches!! indeed, the shades are pretty wearable!! loving it ^_^~

  3. christabellanathaniaMay 29, 2012 at 10:26 AM

    warnanya bagus bagus yaa.. *_*

  4. Benerrr... ini tapanya aja lama loh xD... Cari preloved ajaa... iya rasanya gimana gitu ya liat si sleek rata :s

  5. Ur welcome ^^ This is my favorite palette at the moment, super pigmented and wearable either for daily or special ocassion

  6. Iyaaa... cakep n pigmented banget lohhh.. XD

  7. kukira sleek mahal karena warnanya bagus ternyata *___*

  8. murce banget loh dia menurutku... dan warna2nya pigmented loo :D aku aja pengen ngincer yang laen hahahaha ayo beliiii *meracuni*

  9. beli dimana gabby??? cantik bgttt... pengen... *o*

  10. beli di Make Up Brush,, olshop di FB... ^^ cakep kok emang... ayo beli jugaaa

  11. Kalo cari pre-loved ada indikasi muka rata juga karena udah dipake :D
    hehe..mungkin kudu cari yang at least masih 90% kali ya. mau semedi lagi ini juga, bener2 bikin dilema palette sleek sekarang.

  12. betul... ah diriku dilema nih sleek ato coastal scent ya... pengen 1 palette warna warni semedinya ga kelar2... T_T sleek baru yang matte juga bagus deh

  13. kira2 ada pilihan warna tosca gak? temenku lagi suka banget warna tosca, trims infonya

  14. Untuk warna tosca mungkin bisa coba liat swatchnya Sleek Original. Coba aja cek warna2 palet sleek di yaaaa :)


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