May 19, 2012

Review : IFairy Super Crystal in Pink

Hi everyone! If you see my previous post, you'll find that I'm quite often using pink lens. Yes! A pink lens. Based on my curiosity to try on another unusual colored contact lens, I decide to buy a pink color after my Pat said he had seen enough my green and purple eyes LOL.. Well some wearable color such as brown and grey looks REALLY weird on me. And it ends up make me looks scary. So he comes up with the idea, why don't I try pink lenses?

So here's what I got after a long journey on the net LOL. IFairy Super Crystal in Pink. The price itself is quite expensive, at normal price it's around $20-25. But I got it when it was on sale so it's much more cheaper.

At first, I'm kinda afraid it wouldn't fit my eye because I have small eye shape. The diameter of this lens is 16.2 mm! But the color is too pretty and moreover it's in special price with the exact power of my eye! *feels like the lens is waiting for me* I got so many question in my head so I was asking the owner many question before I decide to buy these. 

Cute pink color
But all my worries are gone after I saw them arrived!! The pink color is really pop out. I love how does the color looks on my eye. :) Most of pink lenses come in soft pink color and since my eyes are really deep black, I'm sure it will be drowned away by my dark eye color.

Here's how does it looks on my eye.

I'm pretty sure you'd noticed that I often use this pink lens.Well in real life, I often wear pink or red outfit, so that's another reason I buy this lens. Somehow it could be a little bit scary but I just don't really mind about it. I even wore it several times without any eye make-up and it works just fine. People just scream a little bit at the first time while seeing something pink in my eye. ROFL. I just love it, neither with simple or even heavy make up which I'll be show you in my next post. Just wait for it *keeping a secret from you hahahaha...*

The downside is  I have a small eyes which is a big matter. I wish my eyes are bigger so I can wear another color for daily basis. :| It makes my eye looks too full, you can hardly see any white space in my eye. 

LOVE YOU MY PINK LENSES!!! <3 *kisses*

As we know that some of big diameter lens could cause uncomfortable issues, I also worried if this lens could cooperate with my eye or not. My eyes are really sensitive. But surprisingly, this lens is really comfortable! Even more comfortable than my 14.50 mm lens. I wear it once for about 10 hours and it didn't cause any redness, itchy, or uncomfortable feelings. But if you're going to wear it in a full air-conditioned room, I suggest you to bring your eye dropper (for contact lens of course!).

Eventhough I said I could wear it for 10 hour but it's better not to use it too often. I only use it for special ocassion and not for daily basis, because it could easily make your eyes tired and uncomfortable. Especially if you're working in front of computer or other works which need an extra eye-work. Just replace it with your glasses instead of contact lens. 

Popped up color
Big diameters

Not suitable for daily use

Rating 4/5

And if you're wondering where did I buy this... well I bought them from Geo Lens Shop. :) You can buy lens from her. The owner is really nice and helpful. ^.^ 


  1. pretty color :) warnanya jelas banget pas di foto >:D
    tapi diameternya agak gede yah :s padahal naksir =w=

  2. In fact udah diukur pake penggaris it's just 15 mm kok dear.. xD emang mataku aja yang kecil hahaha.... panjang matanya cuman 3 cm :\ super small... makasih ^.^ ak emang demen banget sama lens nya xD

  3. Iyaaa... that's why I love it! Solid pink color.. nope it's only 15 mm kok IRL... ;)

  4. adorable !!! >.<

  5. BarbieGothic elizabethMay 19, 2012 at 7:49 PM

    waawww keren warna nya..
    Tapi kalo di pake tiap hari aneh ya -_- terlalu terang...
    tapi emank I.fairy the best >.< q pake 7 hari tanpa di copot, mata ga bakal gatal atau perihh hihihi~

  6. Iya sih kurang wearable aja, cuma kadang kalo lagi males pake kacamata aku tetep pake kok.. @_@ waaaa jangan ga dicopot dong ntar bisa iritasi lohhh >,<

  7. gab, ini yg td km pakai pas k senci? :o
    klo iy, aku pkir itu warna merah lho hahahaa.. :p

  8. Iyaaa yang aku pake ke senci.. :D ahahah itu pink lohhh.. xD kalo pake merah beneran keliatan kek apa ya LOL

  9. 16,2mm??? it's not's giant lens~~~lol!
    hahaha, muat gak ya di akuu, panjang mata mu brp gab?
    btw kamu mmg cocok bangeeet sama nuansa merah/pink yaa...cakeeeep sumpah mata mu make lens pink!


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