January 30, 2013

My Beauty Secret with Face on Face Indonesia

Halooo semuanya! :D Setelah sekian lama tidak pernah menampakkan diri di blog, akhirnya aku kembalii! Keseharianku yang sibuk kadang bikin aku nggak bisa sering-sering ngeblog atau bahkan make-up! TT ^ TT

Kali ini aku mau memperkenalkan brand baru dari PT Rohto Laboratories. Pasti kalian sudah tidak asing dong dengan brand-brand dari PT Rohto seperti Acnes, Skin Aqua, dan Hada Labo (this one is my love!). Naah.. PT Rohto Laboratories ini baru saja meluncurkan brand terbarunya yaitu Face on Face. :) Yuk kita kenalan sama Face on Face.

Inilah rangkaian produk Face on Face. :D
Source : Facebook Face on Face Indonesia
Hal yang pertama kali menarik perhatianku adalah...warna packagingnya!!! Warnanya soft pink yang manis. <3 Jarang-jarang loh ada produk lokal yang packagingnya bagus hehehe. 

Beberapa waktu yang lalu, Face on Face mengirimi aku sample produk untuk direview. :3
Sample dari Face on Face Indonesia

Kelebihan produk Face on Face ini salah satunya adalah mengandung improved Hyaluronic Acid yang bisa menjaga kelembaban dan kehalusan kulit wajah lebih baik dibanding Hyaluronic Acid biasa.. ;)

Face on Face Nourishing Two Way Cake dan Face on Face Nourishing Blush On. :)



Packagingnya agak sedikit tebal dibanding compact powder lainnya. Hal ini dikarenakan tempat bedak dan tempat untuk meletakkan sponge dipisah. 
 Agak makan tempat di pouch, tapi jauh lebih higienis kan? ;)

 Shade two way cake yang aku dapat adalah Silky White. Kalau melihat chart warna yang ada di brosur, Silky White adalah shade yang paling terang. Waktu difoto, kelihatannya shade ini terlalu putih. Tapi ternyata setelah dipakai, shade Silky White ini  pas banget di kulitku. :) Two way cake ini juga udah mengandung double sunscreen agent UVA dan UVB. Jadi kulit kita terlindungi dari sinar matahari. Tapi kalau menurutku, sebaiknya kita tetap memakai sunscreen yaaa :)

Coveragenya sheer to medium dan dapat diaplikasikan dengan spons kering ataupun basah.Untuk hasil yang  lebih natural, cukup tepuk-tepukkan bedak dengan spons kering. Sedangkan untuk coverage yang lebih, kamu bisa memakai spons basah untuk mengaplikasikan bedaknya. Kalau aku personally lebih suka mengaplikasikan dengan spons kering. :) Dan karena tempat sponsnya terpisah, kita nggak perlu khawatir adanya 'migrasi' bakteri dari spons ke produk. 

Karena jenis kulitku kombinasi, jadi oil control bedak itu termasuk salah satu aspek yang sangat penting untuk menghindari wajah tampil berkilau LOL. Dan aku cukup amazed dengan oil controlnya. Setelah berpanas-panas ria seharian, pas ngaca ternyata wajahku belum kelihatan berminyak. Hehehe ;) Plus plus point deh buat yang satu ini. Soalnya aku gampang banget kelihatan kucel kalau wajahnya berminyak apalagi kalau habis panas-panasan.

Aku kaget banget waktu tahu harganya cuma Rp 28.000,.00. Quite a steal untuk produk lokal. :) Harganya nggak bikin jebol kantong terutama buat remaja dan mahasiswa *ayo tunjuk jari yang masih pelajar*.

Kamu juga masih bisa pakai two way cake ini setelah memakai BB cream atau foundation. Cukup dibaurkan tipis aja dengan brush atau ditepuk-tepuk ringan dengan sponge. So far, aku suka banget sama two way cake dari Face on Face ini.


Lanjuuutt ke produk berikutnya....

Berbeda dengan 'kakak'nya yakni si two way cake, blush on yang satu ini imuuut sekali. Jadi mudah untuk dibawa kemana-mana.

1x swipe
Warna blush yang aku dapat adalah Blooming Rose, yaitu warna pink yang soft. Warna blush onnya super pigmented! Aku lumayan kaget karena ada beberapa merek blush on yang susah keluar warnanya. Tapi blush on ini pigmented banget! Selain itu warnanya juga buildable dan hasil akhirnya pun matte. Pas untuk dipakai sehari-hari supaya terlihat lebih fresh. :)

Kalau lagi buru-buru dan nggak bawa brush buat pake blush on, kamu bisa totol-totolkan blush on dengan jari kamu  (tapi cuci tangan dulu yaaaa) dan baurkan.

Superb! <3 Dipakai seharian pun, masih tetep nempel di pipi.

Another steal! Rp 22.500,00.  Cukup kaget dan senang hehehe <3

RATING 4.5/5

Berhubung aku sekarang kuliah sambil kerja, jadi make up pun minimalis malah kadang-kadang ga sempet make-up. Dengan produk Face on Face ini, aku cukup tertolong. :) Terutama untuk two way cakenya.  Soalnya aku jadi nggak perlu susah-susah pakai berlapis-lapis make-up dan ngga perlu sering-sering touch up lagi. Cukup two way cake + blush on aja udah bisa bikin wajahku terlihat lebih fresh. Cocok buat yang pagi-pagi suka nggak ada waktu untuk make-up.

Saking sibuknya sampe ga ada waktu pake eyeliner T ^ T... tapi tetep harus tampil cantik LOL.

Jadi sekarang sudah tahu kan rahasia tampil cantik setiap hari? :D

Buat yang masih penasaran sama produk ini, kalian bisa hubungi Face on Face Indonesia lewat akun Facebook ataupun Twitternya. Admin-adminnya akan siap membantu kalian. 

Stay pretty ladies! <3

January 15, 2013

My 3rd Anniversary on Christmas Day

I was like super busy on December. Besides I was on my final exam, I also have two important events that can't be missed every year. Well, it's Pat's B'Day and our anniversary. Believe it or not, he set our anniversary on 25th December, just in case if he forget he will easily remember because it's right after his birthday wtf!!! So I need to prepare a present!! @_@

Some stupid pose of somebody that turns into 22... 
*Pat, if you read this, shame on youu LOL!!!! I told you to pose nicely already!*

And he said he wanna try once in his lifetime ... to bite the whole cake -_- 

And I decided to cook for him! <3 I made him a chicken steak because we run out of beef T_T .. served with mashed potato and mushroom sauce. It was a big success although it's my first LOL! He asked for more lately ~~

Because it was raining so bad, we spent his birthday by playing games and arrange the plan for tomorrow.

So, the next day was our anniversary! 25th December 2012!! We've been together for 3 years! I almost can't believe it. 

It's us LOL 3 years ago ... holding the holy present that he gave me at 25th December 2009. 

 And now here we are... 3 years afterwards...*touched*

We'd decided from a long time ago that we will go for all you can eat sushi. Because romantic restaurant is too expensive and won't make us satisfied... so we go to Poke Sushi! <3 Pretty good place with super good food. We love sushi very much!! 

Didn't order so many kinds of sushi but we re-order that sashimi for around 8-10 times if I'm not wrong LOL.

And in the end, I'm personally asked him to go back to the first place he took me... 3 years ago. 


The story behind it is pretty simple. I was in a super mood for pancake, but there aren't many pancake restos at the moment. So one day, he asked me to go to Pancious. After we order, I cannot stop staring at my beloved pancake and don't even care about anything else LOL!!!! Well the rest is a secret because lately he like to find out everything I wrote about him on my blog xD

Well, so here we are, after 3 years passed, we have never gone to Pancious anymore.  We're not really hungry because we ate enough at Pancious and I just wanna come to remember the old things, that's all! So when I wanna order the original pancake, Pat said there's a new menu there which is the crepe cake. Since we thought it's pretty interesting, we give it a try...

Original Crepe Cake
 Pat loves it but I don't really fancy this. The cakes is so soft and melts in your mouth, but I found out the butter on the cake is weird. When the butter is served with pancakes, it melts. But this cake is served cold and the butter cannot melt. I'm not a big fan of butter though .. Moreover, the cake is filled with butter cream already. So.. yeah :/ Not really suits my taste.

 The second choice goes to this Caramelized Banana Pancake if I'm not wrong. The reason is pretty simple as usual. It's the only fruit at the menu that Pat could eat. For your information, I could count what kind of fruits that he could eat with all my fingers LOL. So little laaa... Since I could eat any fruits, it doesn't really matter for me. T ^ T But I'm super curious with the berries honestly....

This one tasted pretty good. Pat also loves it!! The sweet caramel sauce with a hint of herbs smell and surprisingly the banana isn't sweet but slightly sour. It makes a perfect combination. <3

And here the funny things happened again... When waiting for our second pancakes served, a couple from the other table were ordering Spaghetti Marinara. And when the spaghetti was served, it was hot and smells SUPER DELICIOUS! We sat in the corner, so yeah we're trapped in MARINARA'S smell!!

Can't hold it any longer... so we order it immediately LOL!!!

Tasted super good! All the ingredients were fresh! We never eat any tomatoes before ... but we ate them all that night LOL! 

Pancious, I will come back for your pasta and pancake now!

Enough for the food thingy...Now I'm about to reveal about what did I do lately and keep me away from my blog... still remember this???

Well, I got a pretty weird habbit since I was a kid. I love to create a presents for someone special with my own hand. For my family, best-friends, and also for my boy <3
An illustration book inspired from HJ Love Story. Everybody who knows about my idea said it's so lovely and romantic. But since I know every book that I gave him will end up as a loner on the shelves or even worse than that (probable he will use it as a place mat for his laptop wtf), I must think about something else. 

And here the inspiration comes! I placed the book on a frame! So there are no reason to put it in the shelves or even use it as a mat LOL.

*what a super nice girlfriend I am... proud of myself*

He was amazed about how far did I think already because he admitted that he'll probably keep it in the drawer or bookshelves until it's gone -_-a

TONS of photos ahead. But please continue if you're interested :)

It is a story that started 3 years ago..

 Love is two people rowing a boat, where if you want to reach a destination bot people have to work together, if two people work against each other, the boat will go no where. If only one person does all the work, eventually they will be exhausted.  ~HJ Love Story

 Do you remember that we were once like this?

The first fireworks that we saw together and you said,"Let's go through another year together..."

 How much I love you can be said with a piece of chocolate cake :)

 No matter how hard it is, you're always there beside me.

 And I will never forget the first time you fooled me on April Fool. D:<

 You always said," It will be much more faster with motorbike laaa..." So we got our first red jacket matched :P

 Both of us could never really wake up early in the morning.. 

 We spent all day playing games and even forget to eat for the first time :D

I'm pretty impressed that you never forget about my birthday :)

 But still, we always fight for the last meat left LOL

 And I wonder how many times I told you to get ready...

 The moments of love that I will never understand 

But I'm glad I could pass another year with you again <3

 We fight like a married couple,
talk like best friends,
flirt like first loves,
protect each other like siblings
Face it! We're meant to be
Quoted from someone on Twitter. 

January 12, 2013

Sweet Escape to Bogor

At the end of 2012, Pat asked me to go and visit his friend at Bogor. Since I took a day off from the office and go to Bogor with him. He said we will visit Kebun Raya Bogor! Well, the first time we go there together was when we are going to do our yearbook photoshoot which was pretty awful back then LOL. 

So here we are!

Camwhoring at the car!
Super minimum make-up with SILKY GIRL! I love to use them for daily basis lately.

 Super love my sunglasses from Firmoo

 Why am I wearing cardigan? Well,in Indonesia, especially at Bogor, rain is unpredictable. It was raining so bad, 10 minutes afterward there's sunshine. :/ so better be prepared. I also bring raincoat, thick jacket, but not bringing an umbrella! *stupid*

The famous ISTANA BOGOR (Bogor Castle)! 

We aren't allowed to enter there since it wasn't a public place. So just take a picture from far away...

When I was visiting Kebun Raya Bogor 4 years back then, there supposed to be a giant tree. And now it's gone already T_T

Since Pat is pretty hungry already so we decide to fill our hungry stomach at cafe Dedaunan. I was thinking to go for traditional food out there but Pat is super duper hungry already and there's nothing could stop him from eating LOL.

What are you looking at??!

The view from Cafe Dedaunan is pretty awesome, because it is located on top of the main field. 

Here is the menu...Pretty expensive. 

My Fuyunghai.

Pat's Grilled Chicken.

Fried Banana.

I'm not impressed at all because it was sooo pricey and it doesn't taste special at all. Well at least a homemade cook could be much more better.:/ So better find a good place to eat before you go visit Kebun Raya Bogor.

A lot of photos!!! 

Didn't capture so many things at Kebun Raya because most of them are closed already such as Orchid House :/ So I decide to hunt for another interesting objects.
Red Dragonfly

LOTUS! OMG so big and beautiful!!
Pink Lotus
.. and more photos of mine LOL!

Looks so thin *_* magic!! Hahahaha

Feel so romantic when I walk through this street. 


This place won't be interesting if you're not a really nature fan. In example if you're having an allergy just like Pat, his neck is getting itchy after passing a big tree LOL. Well but thank you so much for bringing me here. I was a big fan of plant and nature place such as beach, mountain, and so on. Since this is a garden though, it might not be as fun as zoo. But it's a really good place to take a breath for our daily routine. I was fulfilled with new energy from the nature LOL.

On our way out, there are tons of cactus LOL. Seems like they are waving hand and saying good bye to us.

Last shot when we're heading home. The sunset was so damn beautiful :D

Have a nice day everyone :)

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