October 18, 2013

Review Tony Moly Baby Doll Pot Concealer

Hello.. I think I've been stop buying makeup since my thesis started but I found this baby on Tony Moly store and they're having a big promotion only on September! Buy 1 get 1 free for the same products o.o lucky!

Anyway, I was tempted to buy another products. I have a very limited budget at the moment and decided to buy concealer together with Jesslyn.

Normally cost you $7 but it was only $3.5. Although when it was not on sale, it's quite cheap compared to the other from Korean Brand's store in Indonesia.

Fweegie convinced me that this concealer is really good even she stocked up for herself LOL.

So let's take a look

It come in a mini glass-pot packaging and a simple white plastic cap with Tony Moly logo written on it. Quite classy compared to other brand's that usually comes up with super cute packaging. However, it is not a good choice to bring it along in my makeup pouch since it's pretty bulky :(

I was actually not a fan of jar or pot packaging, but if it works then I would bear with it LOL. Moreover, the pot is quite small so I don't think that sticking your finger in is the best way to take it out. You can use a cotton bud or a spatula to take it out.

Super creamy consistency. This is the main reason why I bought it. *_*


I got mine in #1 Light Beige and I think #2 Natural Beige fits me better. I was trying #2 tester and sadly they don't have #2 for the buy 1 get 1 promotion :'(


It has a really nice consistency to work with and I suggest you to use a concealer brush to achieve a better result. It could cover my spots without cracking but noted that it will not work on bumps. It will only eventuate them more.

The reason why I rarely buy concealer is I don't find the one that good enough. Most of them are really pricey and killing my wallet. But if you're on a tight budget, I think this one is worth enough to try. Just make sure you match your shade.

- Affordable
-  Work well covering spots

- Bulk pot packaging

 I think I'm gonna purchase the shade #2 later.


  1. iy gab keputihan yaa.. aku dulu ada malah kujualll XD
    ga suka pakai yg d jarr...

  2. iyaa nih soalnya yang diskon cuman adashade 1.. padahal colek testernya yang no.2 pas banget T-T alhasil harus diakalin pake concealernya sblm bb cream.. iya ga praktis dibawa tp dia creamy gituuu enak dipake >.<

  3. buat undereye ga pas yah gab.. tp buat cover acne scar oke banget..

  4. Wow, what a nice review!
    Have been looking for any concealer and I think I'm gonna try this one.
    Thank you for your review! XD

    Anyway, you have such a lovely blog.
    I've been following you.
    Mind to follow me back? ^^

    Glad to know you.
    Thank you!

  5. Agak kurang sih kalo yang dark circlenya parah banget, kalo ga terlalu kayanya masih bisa hehe.. iya buat acne scars sih bagus bangettt

  6. Hello.. I'm glad if this post is helpful for you ^^ thanks for visiting

  7. cakey gak gab? dark circlemu masi normal ya ga kaya aku T_T

  8. I think that looks pretty good! :D I think it's a good thing that you to get the #1 shade if you're going to use the concealer for under the eyes! :D
    nice review!


  9. Nita Desilia TannawiOctober 21, 2013 at 7:42 PM

    saya saksi hidup kegaharan kalian akan concealer yg satu ini XD lololol~ coveragenya oke ya kayaknyaaaa

  10. cool review! will try this after finished my etude surpise essence concealer

  11. mine in natural beige
    yap the packaging little bit disappointed yaa


  12. Iyaaa agak ga praktis aja dibawa2 >.<

  13. gyahahahahah jangan bilang gitu dong LOL kesannya beli concealer kaya ngejarah toko

  14. engga sih asal pakenya ga kebanyakan lol, efek lighting keknya sedikit memudar, kalo begadang sih item banget hahaha

  15. bagussss... anda sukses menebar baygon iniii

  16. Bagussssssss khaannnnnnnnnn hahahahaha
    *saya menebar racun*



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