Kali ini aku mau cerita-cerita yang agak sedikit personal mengenai period a.k.a menstruasi. Bagi sebagian cewek, period itu mungkin rasanya biasa aja (blessed you, girls) ... but totally not for me! Let's get real. Sejak pertama kali aku dapet, rasanya setiap period tuh drama banget. Mulai dari pernah tembus waktu di sekolah sampai nggak bisa gerak gara-gara cramps super parah. Pokoknya menstruasi itu identik banget dengan berbagai hal yang nggak nyaman buat aku dan nggak jarang bikin aku jadi males untuk ngapa-ngapain.
Sayangnya, nggak mungkin banget kalau aku harus selalu menghindari aktivitas di hari-hari tertentu gara-gara 'lagi dapet'. Rasa nggak nyaman memang ngeselin tapi bukan berarti kita jadi pasrah dan balik 'memusuhi' si period ini. Let's figure out something to make it better.
November 16, 2016
Klavuu Red Pearlsation Review
November 14, 2016
Witch's Pouch Easy Drawing Gel Eyebrow Review
Here is one of an interesting item I got from Althea earlier this year. Witch's Pouch Easy Drawing Gel Eyebrow. If you notice, I rarely use any brow products since I have pretty thick natural brows. I know brows are extremely essentials but I only fill in my brows when I wear full makeup. I usually use dark brown eyeshadow to fill them in therefore when I saw this product on Althea, I'm pretty excited because at the moment gel brow was such a hype.
November 11, 2016
New Garnier Pure Active Matcha Foam Review
Debu dan polusi kayaknya sudah menjadi salah satu bagian dalam keseharian aku. Apalagi untuk transportasi sehari-hari aku lebih prefer naik sepeda motor demi menghindari kemacetan. Oleh karena itu, wajib banget hukumnya buat aku untuk selalu membersihkan wajah setiap pagi dan malam. Kebetulan beberapa waktu yang lalu aku sempat diundang oleh Garnier Indonesia untuk mencoba salah satu facial foamnya yang terbaru yaitu Garnier Pure Active Matcha Foam. Penasaran nggak sih? Aku sendiri sih lumayan excited soalnya aku fans berat matcha hehehe.
November 9, 2016
Easy and Safe Social Shopping at Your Finger Tips
Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi, aktivitas belanja online ikut meningkat dengan pesat. Menurutku pribadi, belanja online punya kelebihan tersendiri, salah satu di antaranya ialah lebih efisien dibandingkan harus pergi ke toko fisik. Cukup dengan browsing di depan layar komputer atau smartphone, kita bisa dengan mudah membandingkan harga dan pilihan.
November 7, 2016
Unboxing Althea Beauty Box #2
November 6, 2016
Too Cool for School Art School Sfumato Review
I usually stick to my big palette when it comes to eyeshadow. Well by the time I'm writing this post, I just realised that I never purchased any palettes since my first one. I'm happy with my palette but as you could guess, big eyeshadow palettes ARE NOT travel friendly. I could not imagine myself carrying the palette inside my bag, not forget to mention the risk of these eyeshadows could be ruined at anytime. Therefore, I'm pretty excited when Charis let me try on this duo eyeshadow from Too Cool for School.
October 30, 2016
Wardah C-Defense DD Cream Review
Untuk aktivitas sehari-hari, aku termasuk yang jarang banget pakai make-up lengkap. Biasanya aku hanya mengandalkan BB Cream atau BB Cushion dan bedak terus pakai lipbalm atau lipstick supaya nggak terlihat pucat. Aku lebih prefer memakai BB Cream daripada foundation karena formulanya lebih ringan tapi tetap bisa membuat tampilan wajah terlihat fresh dan nggak kusam.
Seiring berjalannya waktu, trend BB Cream mulai berkembang dengan munculnya kehadiran CC Cream dan DD Cream. Kebetulan, beberapa waktu yang lalu aku sempat dikirimi Wardah C-Defense DD Cream oleh Sociolla. Nah, ini pertanyaan yang paling sering muncul, apa sih bedanya DD Cream dengan BB dan CC Cream? Aku coba jelasin secara singkat ya.
BB Cream (Beauty Balm) adalah light makeup dengan kandungan skincare di dalamnya.
CC Cream (Color Correcting) adalah cream yang berfungsi untuk menyeimbangkan warna kulit yang kurang merata pada wajah, misalnya redness akibat jerawat atau warna skintone yang tidak merata.
DD Cream adalah singkatan dari Daily Defense atau Dynamic Do All. Biasanya DD Cream ini dilengkapi dengan SPF, anti-aging, dan lightening properties sekaligus punya coverage yang cukup baik. Seperti namanya, DD Cream ini bisa dibilang all in one product yang bisa digunakan setiap hari.
Berhubung aku juga belum pernah cobain DD Cream, aku juga lumayan penasaran deh. Salut banget untuk Wardah yang update dengan produk kosmetik masa kini.
Wardah C-Defense DD Cream ini dikemas dalam ukuran 20 ml. Lumayan kecil jadi cukup praktis untuk dibawa dan cocok buat yang baru mau coba-coba produk makeup. Seperti DD Cream pada umumnya, Wardah C-Defense ini merupakan kombinasi lightening, tabir surya, dan antioksidan untuk kulit tampak bercahaya dengan kandungan sebagai berikut :
Wardah C-Defense DD Cream ini tersedia dalam dua pilihan warna yaitu Light dan Natural. Shade Light ini warnanya cocok banget di skintone aku dan setelah beberapa jam pemakaian, warnanya nggak berubah menjadi lebih gelap (oxidize).
Seiring berjalannya waktu, trend BB Cream mulai berkembang dengan munculnya kehadiran CC Cream dan DD Cream. Kebetulan, beberapa waktu yang lalu aku sempat dikirimi Wardah C-Defense DD Cream oleh Sociolla. Nah, ini pertanyaan yang paling sering muncul, apa sih bedanya DD Cream dengan BB dan CC Cream? Aku coba jelasin secara singkat ya.
BB Cream (Beauty Balm) adalah light makeup dengan kandungan skincare di dalamnya.
CC Cream (Color Correcting) adalah cream yang berfungsi untuk menyeimbangkan warna kulit yang kurang merata pada wajah, misalnya redness akibat jerawat atau warna skintone yang tidak merata.
DD Cream adalah singkatan dari Daily Defense atau Dynamic Do All. Biasanya DD Cream ini dilengkapi dengan SPF, anti-aging, dan lightening properties sekaligus punya coverage yang cukup baik. Seperti namanya, DD Cream ini bisa dibilang all in one product yang bisa digunakan setiap hari.
Berhubung aku juga belum pernah cobain DD Cream, aku juga lumayan penasaran deh. Salut banget untuk Wardah yang update dengan produk kosmetik masa kini.
Wardah C-Defense DD Cream ini dikemas dalam ukuran 20 ml. Lumayan kecil jadi cukup praktis untuk dibawa dan cocok buat yang baru mau coba-coba produk makeup. Seperti DD Cream pada umumnya, Wardah C-Defense ini merupakan kombinasi lightening, tabir surya, dan antioksidan untuk kulit tampak bercahaya dengan kandungan sebagai berikut :
- Vitamin B3 untuk membantu membuat kulit tampak cerah.
- Vitamin E sebagai antioksidan.
- Allatoin untuk membantu regenerasi alami kulit.
- SPF 30 untuk perlindungan optimal terhadap sinar UV.
Wardah C-Defense DD Cream ini tersedia dalam dua pilihan warna yaitu Light dan Natural. Shade Light ini warnanya cocok banget di skintone aku dan setelah beberapa jam pemakaian, warnanya nggak berubah menjadi lebih gelap (oxidize).
Awalnya aku mikir coveragenya Wardah DD Cream ini bakalan light banget, ternyata coveragenya termasuk medium dan rasanya ringan jadi cocok banget untuk dipakai sehari-hari. Buat anak kuliahan atau yang masih sekolah, aku recommend banget untuk coba Wardah DD Cream ini. Kalau kalian butuh coverage lebih untuk daerah undereye atau bekas jerawat yang membandel, tinggal pakai concealer aja.
Sedikit kekurangannya buat aku adalah bagian tutup packagingnya cepet banget kelihatan kotor karena bagian ujung tubenya transparan dan creamnya sering ngumpul di bagian ujung tutupnya, jadi harus agak sering dibersihkan supaya nggak banyak gumpalan yang mengering di bagian tutupnya.
Overall, Wardah C-Defense DD Cream ini recommended banget untuk pemakaian sehari-hari. Harganya pun cukup terjangkau, kalau nggak salah sekitar Rp 30.000,00 saja. Cocok buat kalian yang punya dana terbatas untuk belanja makeup ataupun lagi mencari-cari base makeup yang cocok. Kalian bisa membeli Wardah C-Defense DD Cream ini di Sociolla dan jangan lupa untuk masukkan kode SBNLAD29 kalau belanja di Sociolla supaya dapat discount hehehe.
Bagaimana menurut kalian tentang Wardah C-Defense DD Cream ini? Ada yang sudah pernah mencoba juga?
Sedikit kekurangannya buat aku adalah bagian tutup packagingnya cepet banget kelihatan kotor karena bagian ujung tubenya transparan dan creamnya sering ngumpul di bagian ujung tutupnya, jadi harus agak sering dibersihkan supaya nggak banyak gumpalan yang mengering di bagian tutupnya.
Bagaimana menurut kalian tentang Wardah C-Defense DD Cream ini? Ada yang sudah pernah mencoba juga?
October 19, 2016
Berburu Wisata Seru Dalam Negeri
Nggak terasa ya sekarang kita sudah memasuki penghujung tahun 2016. Nah biasanya salah satu agenda yang biasanya sering aku lakukan menjelang akhir tahun adalah mencari destinasi untuk liburan. Hehehe siapa sih yang nggak seneng liburan? Kali ini aku mau sharing salah satu tujuan wisata dalam negeri yang mungkin bisa menjadi alternatif sweet escape, yaitu kota Magelang.
September 26, 2016
Shinzu'i Facial Wash Review
Membersihkan wajah merupakan rutinitas wajib aku supaya wajah tetap bersih dan terhindar dari berbagai masalah kulit. Salah satu aspek penting buatku dalam membersihkan wajah adalah memastikan bahwa kita memilih pembersih wajah yang cocok dengan kulit kita. Nah hari ini aku mau membahas facial wash baru dari Shinzu'i.
Shinzu'i Facial Wash ini terdiri dari dua jenis varian yaitu Regular (hijau) dan Anti-Acne (merah). Facial wash ini dikemas dalam bentuk botol pump yang ramping jadi mudah untuk dibawa travelling. Selain itu, pump di botol Shinzu'i Facial Wash ini juga dilengkapi dengan lock supaya isinya tidak mudah tumpah. Untuk membuka dan menutup locknya, cukup diputar sesuai dengan instruksi yang ditunjukkan di botolnya.
September 16, 2016
Purbasari Lipstick Color Matte New Shade No. 91 - 95 Swatches and Review
Purbasari Lipstick Color Matte ini sudah sering banget dirave oleh teman-teman blogger. Sejauh yang aku tahu, selain harganya yang cukup terjangkau, pigmentasinya sendiri cukup oke dan yang paling penting nggak membuat bibir jadi lebih kering. Jadi makin penasaran deh. Sebelumnya, Purbasari Lipstick Color Matte ini sudah mengeluarkan sepuluh warna dengan tone yang beragam mulai dari nude yang agak kecoklatan dan pink yang agak keunguan. Untuk shade 91-95 yang baru ini, tone warnanya cenderung lebih ke arah warna pink cerah dan merah gelap.
September 11, 2016
The Story Behind a Picture
For these past few years, blogging activity had influenced
me with something I never interested in before. Photography. Back then, it is
one of the reason why I started blogging because I need to practice as I got
photography class in college. I used to think that photography is all about
high end and expensive gear that would bring your photography into another
level. Although I learned all the basic of photography and how to properly
capture photos with professional cameras in college but since I have zero interest
in it so I never put any effort in learning. With all due respect, back then I used to think that all photographers are merely people who are standing behind
the the camera gears.
By the time I pursue my passion in blogging, I started to
acknowledge that beautiful image is another important aspect besides my
writings. As someone who was taking major in graphic design, I’ve always been
told about how visuals could greatly impact the audience. Therefore, I started to grow my interest in
photography and keep practicing from the day onwards.
August 31, 2016
O-lens Jenith 3 Color Sky Gray Review
I have this complicated love and hate relationship when it comes to contact lens. I've been wearing my glasses for quite a long time. Although it could help me to see things better but there are times I feel completely hopeless without any glasses on. Therefore I am overjoyed with happiness when I finally tried on contact lens for the first time and amazed that my eyesight is no longer limited behind the lens.
I started wearing contact lens for daily basis but years afterward my eyes has become pretty sensitive especially in air conditioned room. I could no longer wear lens more than 8 hour in a day and always have a lens dropper in my pouch. Therefore, choosing a comfortable lens is my priority and extremely important.
August 24, 2016
Checkpoint #25 | Quarter Life
As usual, this is an annual birthday-related post that I personally write for my personal records. However I come up with something different this year since I'm one of those who enter the 'quarter life stage'.
I don't know who started this silly tags but since early 2016, all my friends (who were born in the same year) started using this 'Quarter Life' phrases to 'remind' ourselves that we are no longer kids and deep into adulthood whether we like it or not. I'm actually someone who are pretty strict about age, as I think age is some kind of restrictions for me. I'm used to set my own goals, what to do when I reach on age 20 and so on. Someone tell me when you're above 25, age is only a matter of number, it has nothing to do with life. Perhaps I am somehow understand the reason why.
I don't know who started this silly tags but since early 2016, all my friends (who were born in the same year) started using this 'Quarter Life' phrases to 'remind' ourselves that we are no longer kids and deep into adulthood whether we like it or not. I'm actually someone who are pretty strict about age, as I think age is some kind of restrictions for me. I'm used to set my own goals, what to do when I reach on age 20 and so on. Someone tell me when you're above 25, age is only a matter of number, it has nothing to do with life. Perhaps I am somehow understand the reason why.
August 21, 2016
Digging for Inspiration in Beauty Blogging
Bagi sebagian kalangan, blogging atau menulis tampak seperti suatu kegiatan yang mudah. Pada kenyataannya, berdasarkan dari perjalananku dalam dunia blogging, menulis bukanlah sekedar masalah kepiawaian kita dalam merangkai kata-kata yang indah dibaca atau mengemas suatu cerita menjadi lebih menarik untuk dinikmati oleh para pembaca kita. Teman-teman bloggers pasti pernah merasakan yang namanya stuck, nggak mood untuk nulis, atau bosan karena topik yang ditulis berujung serupa dan rasanya jadi kurang challenge.
Biasanya kalau aku sudah mulai stuck, aku akan mulai mencari inspirasi untuk bahan tulisan yang baru, salah satunya lewat QUBICLE.
QUBICLE ini merupakan percampuran antara social media dan blogging (atau bisa disebut sebagai social content platform) pertama di Indonesia. Selain menjadi portal informasi, kita juga bisa saling berbagi inspirasi lewat tulisan, artikel, foto, ataupun video yang bisa kita upload. Kita bisa membaca informasi atau trend terbaru yang diulas disini ataupun menjadi salah satu content creator yang bisa membagikan sumber inspirasi bagi orang lain.
Biasanya kalau aku sudah mulai stuck, aku akan mulai mencari inspirasi untuk bahan tulisan yang baru, salah satunya lewat QUBICLE.
QUBICLE ini merupakan percampuran antara social media dan blogging (atau bisa disebut sebagai social content platform) pertama di Indonesia. Selain menjadi portal informasi, kita juga bisa saling berbagi inspirasi lewat tulisan, artikel, foto, ataupun video yang bisa kita upload. Kita bisa membaca informasi atau trend terbaru yang diulas disini ataupun menjadi salah satu content creator yang bisa membagikan sumber inspirasi bagi orang lain.
August 5, 2016
Unboxing Charis Beauty Box
Korean E-Commerce sites has been rapidly growing nowadays but few months ago I discover a new brand which appears with a new concept. Have you ever heard about CHARIS? For those who aren't familiar with the brand, CHARIS is the World’s First Influencer Based Commerce Platform.It was established by MADSquare, Inc with the mission of maintaining the beauty of its customers around the world. They selected their range of products carefully and also had worked with Korea's well known makeup artist.
I heard about CHARIS beforehand from STYLECON Asia 2016 and signed up as a member. Few weeks afterward, CHARIS kindly asked to send me their very first beauty box.
I am so excited to see what's in my beauty box. First thing first, their packaging. They decided to go for a classy yet sophisticated look with black box and their logo in gold matte foil. Talk about less is more and I love it.
I heard about CHARIS beforehand from STYLECON Asia 2016 and signed up as a member. Few weeks afterward, CHARIS kindly asked to send me their very first beauty box.
I am so excited to see what's in my beauty box. First thing first, their packaging. They decided to go for a classy yet sophisticated look with black box and their logo in gold matte foil. Talk about less is more and I love it.
Tak terasa sekarang kita sudah berada di pertengahan tahun dan memasuki bulan Ramadan ya. Kali ini, Female Daily kembali bekerja sama dengan Panasonic Beauty untuk mengadakan blogger gathering untuk menyambut bulan suci, Ramadan.
Acara yang bertajuk Glowing Ramadan Look with Panasonic Beauty ini diadakan di The Hook, masih di sekitar kawasan Senopati. Venue-nya pun dikemas dengan dekorasi yang cantik khas bulan Ramadan dan warna pink-fuchsia.
June 25, 2016
Skin LiFe Medicated Acne Skincare Review
I've been experienced different kinds of acne and breakout since my younger days. Having sensitive skin needs me put more attention and get to know my skin better at the same time. I need to figure out on which thing works and which doesn't. So today I will do an extended review about one of my fave acne skincare, Skin LiFe Acne Care Series.
Few years ago, I discovered this skincare line from Japan and it has been one of my little secret to fight against acne. Skin LiFe is a medicated acne skincare originated from Cowstyle, a personal care brand from Japan. All of Skin LiFe product are produced in Japan so no worries about their quality.
June 20, 2016
Hidup Sehat dengan Pilihan Yogurt yang Tepat
Di sela-sela padatnya aktivitas sehari-hari, penting bagi aku untuk memperhatikan pola hidup seimbang supaya nggak gampang sakit. Salah satu aspek penting dalam pola hidup yang sehat adalah memperhatikan asupan gizi melalui makanan yang kita konsumsi sehari-hari. Aku sendiri termasuk orang yang doyan ngemil, terutama dalam bentuk minuman, dengan alasan lebih praktis untuk dikonsumsi. Apalagi kalau sudah dikejar deadline hehehe.
Berhubung aku ini sweet tooth alias nggak tahan sama segala sesuatu yang manis, alhasil aku sering banget berbagai jenis minuman manis yang sebenarnya nggak bagus untuk tubuh, apalagi kalau dikonsumsi dalam jumlah berlebih. Nah, dalam beberapa tahun belakangan ini, aku sudah rutin mengganti konsumsi minuman manis dengan yogurt.
June 15, 2016
Moist and Colorful Lips with ULTIMA II Delicate Lipstick
There is no such thing as having too much lipsticks. I am so agree with this quotes! Lipstick is one of my little secret when I need to dress up my look instantly... but imagine what if your lipstick ended up drying your lips? It accentuates your dry lips rather than compliments your look. Choosing lipstick plays an important role especially if you're having dry lips.Therefore I am very excited when ULTIMA II gives me an opportunity to try on these ULTIMA II Delicate Lipstick as I heard it contains moisturizing properties.
ULTIMA II Delicate Lipstick comes in a sleek and elegant silver packaging. They got their brand name engraved inside of the lipstick so it won't easily faded as it is covered by the cap.
June 14, 2016
ULTIMA II Delicate Blush Review
Who loves blushes as much as I do? I think blushes are the key for that natural looking complexion. I always feel that my face looked extremely pale without any blushes one and now there are several new blush color in my stash! I'm usually stick to the same-pink color for blushes therefore I am so excited to explore on these colorful blushes from ULTIMA II Indonesia.
ULTIMA II Delicate Blush comes in elegant silver packaging. Not really a big fan of metallic packaging as they tend to left fingerprints but still they give the chic feeling and also looks very instagenic on any flatlay photographs hehe.
June 10, 2016
Sociolla Pink Box : Experience the goodness of Vitacreme
Skincare journey never hits an end for me. Few weeks ago, I discovered two interesting product which are introduced by Sociolla through their pink mail...it is Vitacreme B12 Lightening Cream and Day Cream Sun Protection.
I'd heard about Vitacreme but actually never keen about their product. In a glance, it reminds me of a medicated lotion or 'salep' in tube packaging. Vitacreme is originated from Swiss and the only cosmetic product with Vitamin B 12 (Cyanocobalamin) as their main active ingredients.
June 8, 2016
Unboxing Althea Beauty Package
Hello everyone. I had previously uploaded my latest haul from Althea Korea thus haven't had a chance to write furthermore about the haul. I was so excited when I knew that Althea is going to launch in Indonesia since they offered a lot of great deals and reasonable prices for Korean products.

My package was wrapped in pink-colored plastic wrappers and a sturdy box with Althea logo on it. They also secure my package with bubble wraps, not an ordinary one since they seam the bubble wraps into a pouch so no hassle in opening the bubble wraps. Shipping time takes about 10 days while I heard that other blogger's package come in 3-4 days but it doesn't really matter for me since PO are usually takes a longer time.

Trust me, I spent like hours to decide which one I should buy lol. I feel like wanna buy everything. Althea Korea also brings a lot of Korean Brands that I haven't heard before.
So here it is.
Banila Co Classic Matte Primer
This is one of the most wanted item on my list but unfortunately it was really hard to find in here. I am so glad that Althea Indonesia have this product on their site and not forget to mention that the price is quite reasonable!
It's Skin Macaroon Lip and Cheek Color
Cute packaging! Seriously I cannot resist cute items. They also got the macaroon packaging for lip balm too but I prefer this one since it could be used both as lip and cheek color.
The Witch Dual Eyebrow
One of the most interesting item that I discover in Althea Indonesia. I think it is very convenient to have gel-brow products in a compact packaging.
Tony Moly Backstage Gel Eyeliner in Black
I know this one is not a new thing but haven't had a chance to try since I still had a lot of gel liners back then. I read a lot of great reviews about it and decided to give it a try.

Sheet Masks
Animal sheet mask! Hahahaha you must have known how I love tiger and leopards lol. I also managed to get myself other mask from Innisfree.
You can head to Althea Indonesia to make your purchase and hang on to your wallet since there will be a lot of good deals hahaha.

My package was wrapped in pink-colored plastic wrappers and a sturdy box with Althea logo on it. They also secure my package with bubble wraps, not an ordinary one since they seam the bubble wraps into a pouch so no hassle in opening the bubble wraps. Shipping time takes about 10 days while I heard that other blogger's package come in 3-4 days but it doesn't really matter for me since PO are usually takes a longer time.

Trust me, I spent like hours to decide which one I should buy lol. I feel like wanna buy everything. Althea Korea also brings a lot of Korean Brands that I haven't heard before.
So here it is.
Banila Co Classic Matte Primer
This is one of the most wanted item on my list but unfortunately it was really hard to find in here. I am so glad that Althea Indonesia have this product on their site and not forget to mention that the price is quite reasonable!
It's Skin Macaroon Lip and Cheek Color
Cute packaging! Seriously I cannot resist cute items. They also got the macaroon packaging for lip balm too but I prefer this one since it could be used both as lip and cheek color.
The Witch Dual Eyebrow
One of the most interesting item that I discover in Althea Indonesia. I think it is very convenient to have gel-brow products in a compact packaging.
Tony Moly Backstage Gel Eyeliner in Black
I know this one is not a new thing but haven't had a chance to try since I still had a lot of gel liners back then. I read a lot of great reviews about it and decided to give it a try.

Animal sheet mask! Hahahaha you must have known how I love tiger and leopards lol. I also managed to get myself other mask from Innisfree.
You can head to Althea Indonesia to make your purchase and hang on to your wallet since there will be a lot of good deals hahaha.
Complete review will be up soon. Which item should I review first? Let me know in the comment below :D
May 20, 2016
Tips Cantik untuk Kulit Sehat dengan SHINZU'I UME
Minna-san, konnichiwa! Kulit bersih dan sehat sudah pasti menjadi impian setiap wanita. Sayangnya, kulit yang cantik terawat tentu tidak bisa didapatkan dengan cara yang instan. Nah, aku akan membocorkan sedikit rahasiaku dalam menjaga kulit agar tetap cantik terawat lewat video singkat berikut ini.
Selain dengan pola hidup yang sehat, perawatan kulit dari luar juga sama pentingnya. Seringkali kita hanya fokus merawat kulit wajah dan lupa untuk memberi perhatian pada kulit tubuh kita. *count me in*. Terinspirasi dari acara #UMETime sebelumnya, hari ini aku akan membahas tentang bagaimana aku merawat kulitku dengan rangkaian produk dari SHINZU'I Ume.
May 18, 2016
SUTEKI Time bersama SHINZU'I UME Indonesia
Beberapa minggu yang lalu aku berkesempatan hadir di acara SHINZU'I Ume yaitu SUTEKI Time. Acara yang bertajuk Beauty Talkspiration ini diadakan di Amber, Senopati.
Venue acaranya cantik banget dan senangnya lagi, saat mau duduk di kursi, aku sudah disambut dengan goodie bag yang kawaii banget. Kancing di goodie bagnya dibentuk seperti bunga sakura, kreatif banget ya?
May 14, 2016
Naturecia Brightening Exfoliator Review
Hello everyone, I'm finally back with another video. Today I will share about my first impression on trying out Naturecia Brightening Exfoliator.
Exfoliation is defined as removal of old or dead skin cells on skin surfaces. There are lot of exfoliation method nowadays but still I prefer using gel type exfoliator as I think it is one of the most gentle exfoliator.
April 20, 2016
Telunjuk Community
Di era digital seperti sekarang ini, sangat mudah bagi kita untuk mengakses berbagai informasi dengan cepat. Mulai dari browsing review sampai belanja bisa dilakukan tanpa harus beranjak keluar rumah. Coba, berapa banyak dari kita yang lebih sering belanja online dibanding belanja langsung ke store? Hehehe jujur saja, akutermasuk salah satu orang yang senang banget belanja online, terutama kalau mau belanja make-up atau gadget. Belum lagi website e-commerce atau online seller sekarang sudah semakin banyak dan mereka sering banget ngadain flash sale atau discount di waktu-waktu tertentu.
Banyaknya penawaran yang menarik memang memberi kita kebebasan untuk memilih tapi sekaligus membuat kita sulit dan bingung menentukan pilihan. Pasti kalian pernah deh mau belanja sesuatu, terus sibuk membandingkan harga supaya bisa dapetin best deal. Tenang aja, kalian gak sendiri kok hehehe. Aku sendiri tipe orang yang kalau belanja bisa menghabiskan waktu lama banget buat cross-check ke berbagai website untuk make sure kalau aku bisa dapetin harga terbaik. Biasa lah ya cewek kalau belanja hehehe beda harga sedikit saja tuh diperhitungkan banget.
April 7, 2016
NYX Eyeshadow Base in Pearl Review
April 6, 2016
Rohto Dermacept RX Skincare Review
Few weeks ago, I had a chance to attend a beauty talkshow with Rohto Indonesia. Most of us might have already known that Rohto Indonesia had introduced a lot of beauty brands to Indonesia. One of them is Hada Labo, which previously become my favorite drugstore skincare products. Today, I'm going to share about their latest skincare line, Dermacept RX.
Judging from its name, this new skincare line sounds very clinical, isn't it? Well, it is not entirely wrong. Dermacept RX is a special skincare line which is not commercially available and need to be prescribed by dermatologist in selected skin clinics.
dr. Luluk Maya Savira (dr. Vira) from Ammara Clinic, gave us a brief explanation about how to take care our skincare. She explains the reason why we should use sunscreen and the benefits of using serums in our skincare regime which I will explain later on the review part. dr. Vira has such a very cheerful personality and excited in answering our question during the talkshow. If you seek for an expertise opinion about your skin, you can contact Ammara Clinic to arrange an appointment with dr. Vira.
Dian Pratiwi, Product Specialist from Rohto Indonesia, explained furthermore about Dermacept RX product knowledge during the talkshow.
Let's hop on to the review
Dermacept RX Series is developed under Japan Dermatology Concept. We all know how Japanese loves efficiency in almost all their life aspect. So what is the essence of Japan Dermatology Concept? It eliminates all the unnecessary and harmful elements, assuring only the whole goodness are packed into their products. Something that I expected from Japanese skincare.
Complete series of Dermacept RX product which are foaming wash, moisturizing milk, moisturizing sunscreen, and vitamin C serum. The whole products are adapted from the basic of Japanese skincare steps which are cleanse, nourish, and moisturize.
Dry Skin : Foaming Wash - Vit C Serum - Moisturizing Milk - Moisturizing Sunscreen
Oily Skin : Foaming Wash - Vit C Serum - Moisturizing Sunscreen
Their packaging are simple in white and mostly are made from sturdy plastic bottle unless for the serums. It feels like having those clinic medication bottles which usually comes in white color with a touch of green color.
First step and the most important steps in any skincare routine, CLEANSE. Dermacept RX Foaming Wash is available in two different size, 160 ml and 100 ml. The bigger bottle is suitable for daily usage at home while the smaller one will easily fits into our travel bag.
Ultra smooth foaming cleanser provides surface capillary action to against dirt without scrubdown skin hardly. Gently exfoliates to maintain natural skin barrier function and give extra nano Hyaluronic particle as moisturizer. Mild acidity and suitable even on sensitive and acne prone skin.
Fragrance free. Color free. Alchohol free. Oil free. Preservative free. Mild acidity. Seriously what not to love from this cleanser.
I always love how practical a foaming wash is but apparently that's not the only reason why. Dermacept RX Foaming Wash creates nano particle ultra smooth bubble which could help to cleanse our skin better than regular facial foam.
Dermacept RX Foaming Wash uses amino based ingredients instead of soap formula which could help to maintain skin texture, moisturized, gentle on sensitive skin, and also keep our skin on the right pH balance. I can tell the difference since it doesn't leave any trace of tight or slippery feelings on my skin right after usage.
Proceed into the MOISTURE step. I'll skip to the NOURISH part for now, let's say I will save the best for the last.
Best formulation ratio Glycerin, Lecithin and Petrolatum to protect and recovering natural skin barrier function throughout the day. Produced with High-Pressure Emulsified Petrolatum (HPEP) technology for deeply skin penetration and long lasting emollient effect. Ideal to dry skin, redness dermatitis, itchy xerosis and post-procedure treatment like superficial peel, microdermabrasion or non-ablative laser treatments.
Dermacept RX provides two different variants of moisturizer which can be adjusted to your skin type. Dermacept RX Moisturizing Milk is the one for those with dry skin as it is oil based and could provide more moisture.
Fragrance free. Color free. Alchohol free.
Dermacept RX Moisturizing Milk can be used for both face and body. The texture is pretty light and easily absorbed into skin. It left a bit of greasy feelings afterward so I usually apply this on my body and cheeks area at night as I dislike using greasy moisturizer at daytime.
The essential things that always been in my love and hate relationship, sunscreen. I do realize how important it is to use sunscreen on daily basis and how harmful the UV rays is. The thing is I hate applying greasy thing on my face and most of sunscreen are greasy.
Water base sunscreen formula for daily activities : SPF 30 ; PA+++. Contain additional moisturizer and giving maximum UV A and UV B protection because of Micro-Sized Encapsulated UV Absorber Technology. Can be used for all skin type without irritate and clogging skin pore.
Yes, you read it right. WATER BASED SUNSCREEN.
I used to think that non greasy sunscreen are not exist but okay turns out that I'm wrong. Dermacept RX Sunscreen is a water based sunscreen and it works totally fine even for people with oily skin. I usually apply this sunscreen at the end of my skincare routine or before applying any make up.
1. Shake the bottle thoroughly
2. Apply the sunscreen 15-20 minutes before doing any activities under direct sunlight.
3. Reapply the sunscreen if necessary.
Compared to the Moisturizing Milk, the texture is quite runny and left nothing but a moisturized feelings after application. It feels like put on a moisturizer and not a sunscreen.
I rarely wear make up on daily basis, so I usually just apply my skincare and top it off with this sunscreen. Sometimes I forgot to double cleanse and only cleanse my face with Dermacept Cleansing Foam, no irritation or acne appeared on the next day. I am rest assured and certain that this sunscreen is water based and totally safe for those with sensitive or oily skin.
Finally found my HG Sunscreen!
The core of the whole treatment, Dermacept RX Vitamin C Serum. Unlike the others, this serum should be prescribed according to your skin by a dermatologist.
Made by selective high quality L-Ascorbic Acid active ingredient for super stable preparation and maximum efficacy. Formula combination to provide quick-easy and high penetration power into the deep skin layer inside. Can be used for all skin type especially for skin brightness.
Oil free. Preservative free. Surfactant free.
Serums. What is the importance of using serums in our skincare routine? Well back then I don't understand the difference between moisturizer and serums because I think using moisturizer solely is enough. Nope! Unlike moisturizers, basically serum is a concentrated skincare items that could penetrate deeper into our skin layer and nourish our skin.
There are a wide varieties of serums but one of the most popular serums is Vitamin C Serum. It is well known for its brightening properties. It could also help to prevent the signs of aging and help to improve skin texture.
Dermacept RX Vit C Serum comes in two different concentrate, 10% and 15%. What's the difference?
Basically Vitamin C has an acid characteristic which could stimulate allergy for sensitive skin. Therefore it is recommended by dermatologist to use the serums from the lowest acid concentrate which is 10%. It also gives enough time for your skin to adapt with your new skincare routine.
I'm personally using Dermacept RX Vitamin C Serum 10% for about 2 weeks before moving on the 15% remembering my skin is pretty sensitive.
1. Cleanse and prep your face properly.
2. Put 3-4 drops of the serums and apply it evenly on your face.
Please do not overuse the serums as it will not give a better results.
The texture is extremely light and easily absorbed into our skin. It has a strong scents of the usual vitamin C which kinda reminds me of orange scent but it will disappear after application. If you're having open wound or any acnes, avoid using the serums on it as well. On the other day, I forgot that I had popped an acne and accidentally apply the serum on it, it feels extremely painful. Remember that the serums contains acids, so stay away from any wounded area.
Another thing that you should remember is about how to store your serums. This serums should be storaged in the right way or else it could loss its benefits.
1. Keep it in a cold place and avoid direct sunlight. (It is recommended to store your serums inside the refrigerator)
2. Avoid any contact with tip of the dropper to prevent any contamination.
Is there any way to tell whether the serums is in good condition or not? Of course there is. Make sure that your serums color transparent and clear. If it turns into yellowish or brownish tone, then it's about time to throw it away. Please pay a little attention on how to storage your serums so it will not go to waste.
What do you think?
Actually I notice an improvement at my skin texture rather than my skintone. My skin has become way more supple and smooth. The improved skintone become more obvious after I compare the before-after photos. Some of my friends also told me that my skin has gotten brighter than before. It also help to reduce redness and light acne scars. I didn't experienced any purging or irritations so far so I can assure that Dermacept RX is great for people with sensitive skin.
These products are not available in stores so if you're interested you can contact Ammara Clinic or visit Rohto Store Locator for more information. You can also consult with dr. Vira so she could help you to decide the best regime for your skin :)
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Jl. K.H. Ahmad Dahlan No. 6
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Disclosure : These products were given for review purposes. All opinions are based on my own experience and not influenced in any way.
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