January 26, 2017

What's on My Top List in 2016

I rarely make any best buy or best find product list. It's kinda hard to decide what is the best, simply because I'm easily bored and always tempted to try on new makeup items. So these items are probably my current fave that I would love to repurchase ... well if I didn't find a better replacement though hehe. Anyway, some of them are not new released item but oh well, who knows there are some people who aren't aware of these good things, just like me. I decided to do for the makeup category only as I haven't found my best skincare routine.

Innisfree No Sebum Loose Powder
It's been on the market for quite some time but I'd just decided to try on it. Now it is my current fave powder! It totally helps to set everything on face and prevents my face getting oily for a while. No wonder everyone love this product and it is totally worth to try, especially if you're having oily skin type.

The Saem Perfection Tip Concealer - 1.5
This is also not a new released item but I'd heard how everyone praised this concealer for its performance and affordable price. This concealer works like magic! I will review it later for sure.

Wardah Intense Matte - Perfect Peach
2016 also marks my very first time trying on the matte lips trend. Bold colors are good but I still prefer nude color for everyday look. Trust me, it is not easy to find the perfect nude that doesn't make you look like a dying person. I could wear this lipstick alone without any makeup on and it is a lifesaver to get through my lazy days. Purchase here.

Real Techniques - Buffing Brush
I was looking a replacement for my ELF Powder Brush and finally had a reason to buy Real Technique Brushes. I love using dense brush so this one is perfect to my liking. Its rounded tip also allows more precise application so if you're a fan of a dense brush, you should try on this one. Purchase here.

Tony Moly BCDation -  02
One of the result of my impulsive buying in 2016. Just like how it was named, Tony Moly BCDation has the perfect combination between BB, CC, and foundation. Most of my base products are suitable for oily skin and lately I feel that my skin are slightly dry. This product is perfect as it helps to create a light flawless base with a semi-matte finish. Plus it is very rare to see any korean product comes in such elegant packaging.

Maybelline Hypersharp Power Black
Nothing could win over me when it comes to pen eyeliner. They are extremely easy to use and easy to carry around. I usually stick with Maybelline Hypersharp Liner (gold) for quite some time but thanks to Harbolnas, I finally got all the other types to see if there's any of them could perform better and I found my new love. Maybelline Hypersharp Power Black <3 Best part is it comes in red color. Purchase here.

You can buy several items from the list at Sociolla and don't forget to enter my code SBNLAD39 to get Rp 50.000 off your purchase. :)

Any suggestion on what I should review first?


  1. hi.. Inisfree loose powder yang ini tuh ngehits banget yaa ? hasilnya matte kah soalnya kulitku berminyak tapi kalo pake bedak atau foundie yg matte suka jerawatan kayaknya ga cocok huhu... thanks for sharing :)


    1. Hi, Inka. Iyaaa loose powder Innisfree ini ngehits banget dan hasilnya matte. Setau aku, loose powder itu paling ringan dibanding jenis bedak lainnya, terutama kalau kulitnya acne-prone ya. Kulit aku juga suka sensitif banget dan sering jerawatan, jadi biasanya kalau lagi agak sensi kulitnya, aku lebih prefer pakai loose powder. So far aku pakai ini masih aman dan lumayan banget nahan minyaknya :)

      Thanks for visiting ;)


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